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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Adirondack Mountains - Heaven On The Earth

The Adirondack Mountains are a mountain range located in the northeastern part of New York. The mountains are often included by geographers in the Appalachian Mountains, but they are geologically more similar to the Laurentian Mountains of Canada.The Adirondacks do not form a connected range, but is an eroded dome consisting of many summits, isolated or in groups, often with little apparent order.

The Adirondack mountainous peaks are usually rounded and easily scaled. There used to be many railroads in the region but most are no longer functioning. The surface of many of the lakes lies at an elevation above 1500 ft

Hunting and fishing are allowed in the Adirondack Park, although in many places there are strict regulations. Because of these regulations, the large tourist population has not overfished the area, and as such, the brooks, rivers, ponds and lakes are well stocked with trout and black bass.

Adirondack Mountains Its Creation Speaks Itself

Adirondack Mountains, NY

An Adirondack Scene

Beautiful Adirondack Mountains

Beauty of Adirondack Mountains

Hidden lake in the Adirondack Mountains, NY

Kayaking in Adirondack Mountains

Keene Valley in the Adirondack Mountains

Lake Tear of the Clouds - Adirondack Mountains, N.Y.

Limekiln Falls, Adirondack Mountains

Limekiln Falls, Adirondack Mountains of New York


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