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Monday, May 31, 2010

Safari Tours to Masai Mara, Kenya

Masai Mara Kenya Safari

Kenya is definitively one of the leading tourist African countries, being visited yearly by millions of holiday makers looking for the best safari tours and trips across thrilling grassland. It is settled in the eastern part of the continent and is bordered by Tanzania in south, comprising together some of the most impressive ecosystems on the planet! In Kenya are plenty of national parks, reserves and wildlife refugees, the most famous of all being Masai Mara, located in the southwestern region and being in fact an extension of the Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro crater from Tanzania. The entire area is named the Mara-Serengeti ecosystem and is one of the best possible spots on the planet for enjoying game viewing!

Masai Mara Kenya Safari Tour

It is largely known that in this part of Africa takes place a huge migration of animals (from July to October) called the "Great Migration" due to the immense number (about 2,000,000 millions!) of zebra, gazelle and wildebeest crossing the Mara River on their way to flats covered by green grass. Of course, where live herbivore animals live also carnivores and as result there is common to see numerous cheetah, lions, hyenas, and African hunting dog. Other interesting animals living in this ecosystem are black rhinos, hypos (particularly in the Mara and Talek rivers), giraffes, elephants and plenty of birds (like vultures, crowned cranes, marabou storks, eagles, falcons, secretary birds, and many others).

Romantic Masai Mara Kenya Safari

As result of the very rich natural treasures, to this part of Africa are offered some of the best tours for wildlife watching. On the international travel scene are available different safari packages to Kenya, tailored into a manner that allows holiday makers to see the most popular parts of the ecosystem. There can be booked trips by air (like the package named "Wings Over Kenya", an 8-days thrilling adventure into a hot-air balloon over the Amboseli National Park, Samburu National Reserve and Masai Mara Game Reserve!) or by air-conditioned 4x4 cars such as "Wildlife Safari in Kenya: Aberdare, Samburu, Masai Mara", including the Aberdare National Park (with viewing of wildlife visiting the waterholes), Mount Kenya (great for spotting baboons, black rhinos, waterbucks, leopards, and bush pigs), and the Masai Mara Game Reserve (with specific grassland game-viewing). A another very popular safari package is the "7 Day Lion Safari Tour", a trip taking a week specially tailored for observing the way of life of lions, some of the most dangerous and impressive predatory animals in Africa! Spotting also plenty of reticulated giraffes, elephants, Somali ostriches, Beisa oryxes, and Grevy’s zebras (an endangered specie) is just a great bonus of this truly unforgettable excursion!

Masai Mara Kenya Honeymoon

Along with the above described safari tours in Kenya (mostly including several days of wildlife observing in Masai Mara), considered as some of the best trips in Africa for game-viewing, in this country are available many other vacation packages that allow holiday makers to spend great moments and observe the specific African wildlife. Below are listed some of most rewarding safari deals, both short 4-5 days trips and extensive 7-8 days African journeys.

Content Source: AfricanSafariHunting.net


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